Group Chairman - Rasna Pvt Ltd
After completing his Degree in Biochemistry and Bachelor Degree in Law Mr. Khambatta has attended several Management courses at Wharton School, Philadelphia, IIM Calcutta etc. and recently he has been awarded Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Entrepreneurship by Newport University, USA.
Currently after his joining the family business right from the day he had joined he has ensured that Rasna becomes a Make in India brand and ensures that whatever we do follows the philosophy of an Indian brand that too with an idea of ensuring inclusive growth with the rural initiatives. Not only that by ensuring that establishment of 9 factories spread across the country Rasna group is giving huge employment directly and indirectly to thousands, which helps him make the common man’s affordable drinks available in 1.8 million outlets with more than 90% market share in our category and presence in more than 53 countries.
He is recipient of various awards for his company and at personal level including, Dadabhai Naorji Award, WZCC Outstanding Zarathushti Entrepreneur 2021, Mother Teresa Award for Corporate Citizen 2022.
In addition to looking after the CSR activities of the CSR arms of his Company Areez Khambatta Benevolent Trust and Rasna Foundation being its Founder Trustee and Chairman respectively, he is fully involved with lot of philanthropist activities especially to do with education and health care of needy underprivileged poor people.
He finds time to be associated with various Industry Organization such as Confederation of Indian Industries, All India Food Processors’ Association and various other institutions. He is Hon. Consul General South Korea, Gujarat, Ambassador Make In India, Director in NIFTEM National Institute of Technology Entrepreneur Marketing, Member Advisory Council, IIT Gandhinagar, etc. to name a few.