Founder - Paz Marketing
- Zeina is the Founder of PAZ Marketing Management in Dubai and Colibri Events in Saudi Arabia
- Publicist for Diplomats and Ministers globally
- The Woman behind all the main digital techs/.com’s launches (Souq.com until its acquisition by Amazon, Namshi, Tabby and many more)
- Women in Business Awardee – Category “Queen of the .com’s”
- Trainer introducing “Humanizing PR” program for Leaders and Entrepreneurs
- Moderator and Speaker at events and Media outlets
- 22 years of experience working with tourism government bodies luxury brands and channels
- Lead the “Rebuilding Iraq” PR effort for 2 years
- Owns and Hosts an Arabic Podacast / Youtube Show نص ساعة
- Social Media trainers and guider for the public under “EntaPreneurship” segment in Arabic